04. http-ping

Program 2016. 6. 10. 18:15

# URL 에 Ping 을 해보자!

# 재미있는 일이 생긴다.

# 사용법

  - http-ping 파일을 다운로드 받는다.

  - 다운로드 받은 파일을 C:\Windows\System32 위치에 복사

  - 도스창을 열고 http-ping http://www.google.com 입력, 그리고 엔터

  - 자세한 사용법은 http-ping.exe /? 로 확인 바랍니다.

# 출처 : http://www.coretechnologies.com


Command-Line Options

http-ping [-t] [-n count] [-i interval] [-f file-name] [-s] [-v]
          [-q] [-c] [-r] [-w timeout] [-p] [-d] [-o data | -of file-name]
          [-ua user-agent] [-h header-line] [-e | -et | -eb]
          [-ipv4 | -ipv6] URL

    URL            The URL you wish to check. For example, http://www.kiva.org,
         , or http://www.yourhost:8080.
                   Be sure to surround an IPv6 address with square brackets. For
                   example, http://[2a00:1450:4007:800::1014].

    -t             Ping the specified URL until stopped.
                   To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
                   To stop - type Control-C.
    -n count       Send 'count' requests. Supercedes -t.
    -i interval    Wait 'interval' seconds between each request. There is a
                   1-second wait if this option is not specified.
    -f file-name   Save responses to file 'file-name'. Please specify the full
                   path, and use quotes around file names with spaces.
    -s             Silent. Print no output.
    -v             Verbose. Print detailed output. Supercedes -s.
    -q             Quick. Perform HTTP HEAD requests instead of GETs. This will
                   retrieve headers only, and bytes reported will be 0.
    -c             Perform a full connection on each request; ignore keep-alive.
    -r             Follow HTTP redirects.
    -w timeout     Wait 'timeout' seconds for a response before timing out.
                   Specify 0 to avoid timing out.
                   If not specified, the default timeout is 30 seconds.
    -p             Use the proxy defined in the Windows Internet settings.
    -d             Print the date and time of each ping attempt.
    -o data        Perform HTTP POSTs sending the given data. Please enclose
                   the data in quotes if it contains spaces.
    -of file-name  Perform HTTP POSTs sending the contents of file 'file-name'.
                   Please specify the full path, and use quotes if the file name
                   contains spaces.
    -ua user-agent Set the User-Agent value to 'user-agent'. Please use quotes
                   if the value contains spaces.
    -h header-line Pass the given header line as-is in each ping request. For
                   example, add a host header like this:
                   -h \"Host: www.site1.com\"
                   Be sure to surround the header-line with quotes. You can
                   specify multiple instances of this option.
    -e             Instead of returning the percentage of requests that
                   succeeded, return the HTTP status code of the last request,
                   or 0 if the last request failed.
    -et            Instead of returning the percentage of requests that
                   succeeded, return the time taken (in milliseconds) by the
                   last request, or 0 if the last request failed.
    -eb            Instead of returning the percentage of requests that
                   succeeded, return the number of bytes transferred by the
                   last request, or 0 if the last request failed.
    -ipv4          Force IPv4 resolution for dual-stacked sites.
    -ipv6          Force IPv6 resolution for dual-stacked sites.

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