05. PSD파일 수정
# PSD 파일 수정하려면 포토샵이 있어야 하는데...
# 포토샵을 구입 할 수는 없고...
# 무료 PSD 파일 편집 프로그램 아니 웹...
Online Photo Editor | Pixlr Editor
Announcement Adobe Flash Player will no longer be supported by worldwide browsers soon. Thus, Pixlr Editor, which runs on Adobe Flash Player, will be phased out and replaced by the all-new smarter and faster PIXLR X. TRY PIXLR X NOW CONTINUE WITH EDITOR
- 한국어 지원
Photopea | Online Photo Editor
✕ Photopea: advanced photo editor Free online photo editor supporting PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR formats. (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Sketch App, Adobe XD and CorelDRAW). Create a new image or open existing files from your computer. Save your work as PSD (Fi
Sumopaint - Online Image Editor
The best photo editing and drawing tool online.
- FlashPlayer 기반
- Microsoft's .Net Framework 4.6 기반
GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program: The Free and Open Source Image Editor
- 오래된 무료 그래픽 툴이며 오픈 소스인 김프(지원 : 윈도우/맥/리눅스 까지 지원)
- 다운로드 후 설치 사용
Draw Freely | Inkscape
2019년 9월 8일 The Inkscape project has released a beta version of the upcoming and much-awaited Inkscape 1.0 on September 17th! After releasing two less visible alpha versions this year, in mid-January and mid-June, Inkscape is now ready for extensive testin
- 잉크스케이프, 오픈소스 벡터 그래픽 에디터(지원 : 리눅스/윈도우/맥OS)
- 다운로드 후 설치 사용
# http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mighty/knight/
Introducing Pixia, A Full-Feature, Tablet-Supported Digital Painting Program for Windows!
Pixia mascot designed by ASAMI. Pixia is a raster painting program and graphics editor specifically well–suited for many forms of digital painting. Pixia offers a lightweight painting environment for digital painting and artwork of all types! Unlike other
- 일본에서 개발된 Pixia, 다운로드 후 설치 사용
Artweaver - Home
Full-featured painting tool Artweaver is a full-featured painting tool with a huge set of predefined realistic brushes to paint creatively or just experiment. Artweaver is suitable for beginners and advanced users. Learn more Download Artweaver
- 독일에서 개발된 아트위버, 다운로드 후 설치 사용
== 아래는 사용을 위해 가입 필요 ==
'Tip!' 카테고리의 다른 글
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06. [netstat] 명령어 네트워크 상태 확인 (0) | 2017.05.29 |
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